Here we are assuming that you already have installed Neo and you have working Go environment.

This will be step by step tutorial. At the end we will show complete example. So first declare your package and import Neo.

package main

import ""

After that declare main function from where we will start our Web Server.

func main() {
    // Neo code will go here

We have basic structure for now. Let’s add some Neo code. You have to create Neo application instance using:

app := neo.App()

You will use app variable to access many things from Neo. One of most important things in Neo is declaring routes. You define new route by calling corresponding function and by passing path and route handler implementation.

app.Get("/", func(ctx *neo.Ctx) (int, error) {
    return 200, ctx.Res.Text("I am Neo Programmer")

If you want to declare POST route to for example /some/route route, you can use something like this:

app.Post("/some/route", func(ctx *neo.Ctx) (int, error) {
    // your route handler implementation

At the end of this simple introduction you have to start server on some address and port. We didn’t provide any configuration yet, and default address is localhost:3000.


Complete example would be:

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := neo.App()

    app.Get("/", func(ctx *neo.Ctx) (int, error) {
        return 200, ctx.Res.Text("I am Neo Programmer")


Save this into main.go for example.

Recommended way of running Neo application is using Neo CLI tool.

neo run main.go

For more information about Neo CLI tool please look at CLI Tool documentation.

Simple, isn’t it? :)